@if($data->Message == '') Hi {{ strlen($data->company_name) > 0 ? $data->name.' ('.$data->company_name.')' : $data->name}},
Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business. I personally appreciate you as a customer.

Please click the PDF Link to view your {{$data->type}}.
@if(isset($data->link_download_instorecredit) ) Your Reliable Garage Door in store credit can be viewed in this link
@endif @else {{$data->Message}}

@endif Sincerely,
@if($data->sendfrom == 'user') {{$data->display_name}}
@if($data->userrole == 0) Cell Phone: {{$data->cell_phone}}
@else Office Direct: {{$data->office_phone}}
@endif @else Reliable Garage Door
@endif Main Office: (612) 339-8828