03:12:23 Create new PHPExcel object
03:12:23 Set document properties
03:12:23 Add some data
03:12:23 Define named ranges
03:12:23 Rename named ranges
03:12:24 Rename worksheet
03:12:24 Create new Worksheet object
03:12:24 Add some data
03:12:24 Resolve range
Cell B1 {=PersonFN}: Maarten
Cell B3 {=PersonFN & " " & PersonLN}: Maarten Balliauw
Cell Person!B1: Maarten
03:12:24 Rename worksheet
03:12:24 Write to Excel2007 format
03:12:24 File written to 19namedrange.xlsx
Call time to write Workbook was 0.0182 seconds
03:12:24 Current memory usage: 5.5 MB
03:12:24 Peak memory usage: 5.5 MB
03:12:24 Done writing file
File has been created in /home/glink/haiphams3.glinkdeployments.com/exams/vendor/phpoffice/phpexcel/Examples